
Renewable Energy Smoothing System (Solar Smoother)

Horizon Power of Western Australia has updated the conditions for connecting solar into their networks. Solar Smoothing and Generation Control are required for installations greater than 30kVA in areas other than the NWIS. Oztron Renewable Energy Smoothing Systems have been tested and approved by Horizon and are fully compliant with Horizon Power Low Voltage EG Connection Technical Requirements, Standards Number: HPC-9DJ-13-0002-2019.

Some locations may not have any Hosting Capacity available. For these areas Solar Smoothing with Extended Ramp Rate will be required.

Oztron manufactures Solar Smoothers from 30kVA to 1000kVA. We handle all the necessary engineering, certification and approvals required with Embedded Generation projects. Oztron can provide all the equipment that are required, namely:

  • Solar Smoother

  • Central Protection

  • Feed-in Management

We undertake the Factory Acceptance Test and On-site commissioning. Our engineers remotely monitor the systems and take immediate and appropriate remedial action if any deviation is noticed in the operation.

Please contact us for any advice on connecting a PV system to the Horizon Network.

Contact us for similar requirements in other Networks as well.

PV Protection & Distribution Switchboard

Oztron manufactures standard and custom-built Central (Network) Protection switchboards for the Renewable Energy industry.

  • Two-part or Integrated design

  • Choice of Protection Relays

  • Fail-safe wireless link option


Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)

Oztron designs and manufactures commercial scale Battery Storage systems and the associated advanced Energy Management Systems. Optimized battery storage is used for peak shaving, demand and capacity management, demand response etc. It is compatible with Microgrids and Virtual Power Plants.

Oztron BESS is easy to install, single rack design. Minimum external wiring needed. It incorporates 3 phase Bi-directional Inverter and High Voltage Lithium Ferrous Battery.

  • Edit Column
Download the link below for more details.

Off-Grid & Hybrid Systems

OZTRON Off-grid Hybrid Energy System combines Solar PV with batteries provides stable, high quality AC power where electrical grid is not available. Together with a diesel or gas generator it is an economical, highly reliable source of electricity. Oztron Hybrid Generation System is an industrial grade product, suitable for continuous full load operation.

  • Reduce your Diesel consumption by half 
  • Lower maintenance
  • 30kVA to 1000kVA, 3 phase
  • Compact, modular design, easy to install
  • Fully monitored and remotely managed

Oztron Energy provides all help to design your optimized Hybrid system for lowest Levellized Cost.